There are 458 pathology residency and fellowship positions available. Select the desired opening from the list below for more information.
The Cytopathology Fellowship is a one-year training program (10 months cytology, 2 months elective) geared towards developing a high level of expertis..
The Gynecologic/Breast Pathology Fellowship is a one-year program that provides an intensive exposure to surgical pathology of the breast and gynecolo..
The primary objective of this program is to train qualified individuals to become certified by the American Board of Clinical Chemistry in chemistry o..
The Gastrointestinal Pathology Fellowship is a one-year program designed to provide rigorous diagnostic training in gastrointestinal, hepatic, and pan..
A one-year ACGME accredited blood banking and transfusion medicine fellowship provides a broad range of experiences in a large medical center setting...
The Neuropathology Fellowship at UAB is a two-year program, fully accredited by the ACGME for one Fellow per year, eventuating in subspecialty board c..
The program has filled both spots for the 2023-24 academic year. We are currently recruiting to fill 1 of 2 spots for the 2024-25 academic year. Each ..
The Stanford Hematopathology Fellowship includes broad experience in neoplastic and non-neoplastic hematopathology diagnosis, incorporation of state o..
The Department of Pathology offers a one-year ACGME accredited fellowship position in GI, hepatobiliary and pancreatic pathology. The fellowship provi..
Our Cytopathology Fellowship is both clinically and academically oriented and focused on development of diagnostic skills in the areas of body cavity ..
An accredited training program at Los Angeles County + University of Southern California (LAC+USC) Medical Center since 2007, the surgical pathology f..
The Cytopathology fellowship program at GW offers comprehensive training in all aspects of Cytopathology, with special emphasis on fine needle aspirat..
The Department of Transfusion Medicine of the NIH Clinical Center offers a comprehensive two-year fellowship program in blood banking and immunohemato..
Hematopathology Fellowship at UAB is a one-year program, fully accredited by ACGME for two fellows towards subspecialty board certification. The progr..
The Hematopathology Fellowship is a one-year, ACGME- approved program designed to provide advanced, in-depth training in hematopathology. Competency i..